mandag, oktober 15, 2007

Jo Nesbø - The Saviour (book)

I get more and more impressed about Jo Nesbø’s writing. Every line he writes, every paragraph is such well written and all hold necessary pieces to unfold the mystery. There is really not too much more to say about it – this is reading that everybody will like!

But still I have to pick on a few things in this book. This time around the main criminal is kind of poor and is kept in low state through the book – while this is a part of the books story – it just doesn’t manage to keep the tension up like usual. Instead we are kept on the line with the surrounding stories and intrigues – and with reason. In a way this book could be theme brother with the Stieg Larsson book I’ve been writing about earlier - and that works well.

Also a weak spot is that Harry Hole is not such under pressure as usual and while he is always present – it just isn’t the usual tension. But of course, this is just me being picky.

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