tirsdag, mai 13, 2008

Tom Clancy – Net Force (book)

I am always a bit skeptical before reading someone really mainstream big, but then one day someone said to me that I had to read Tom Clancy, so I figured ”Why not?” and got a book.

I was looking for a while for ”Red Storm Rising” but could not find it so I went for the lesser-known ”Net Force” instead.

I do not surprise me that Tom is using a rather easy accessible language (typical for mainstream success) that gets you as a reader easily hooked. While this is not always regarded high literature, I also think that some writers has a tendency to overdo the words, and while they can perform writing like every sentence is the most beautiful poem – it can be hard and confusing to read.

Tom builds the story through several subplots that each has its own sub-ending. This is in fact an old method of story building and it works pretty well. There is just one major mistake: The most enthralling subplot gets its ending first and then its like the book is over, even if there is one chapter left.

Its funny but I actually put the book down at that point and had to convince my self to read the last part, it took a month.

There is also one other thing I have to put the finger down on. Tom seems to create some fictional high tech world but it’s extremely unrealistic. Its like the guy have no technological understanding. Its weird and again destroys some of what the book has to offer.

For the rest? It’s a pretty downright methodic and well written story that will keep you up at night. But I am not convinced yet that Tom Clancy is such a great writer many thinks. But I will give it another try some other day and we will get back to it.

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