Time to wish you all a Merry Christmas (God Jul)
and may you enjoy the festivites!
- C
fredag, desember 23, 2005
mandag, desember 19, 2005
Trend PC Cillin 2006 (PC Software)
In search of total protection of a Windows PC today there is 2 way to go. Either install the best single components. (etc – Solo Antivirus for its excellent low use of recourses, good price and good detection routine – Sygate firewall (discontinued as Symantec has bought them up ) – Spyware – who knows….) or you can go for the full solution – and again I would go for Trend PC Cillin 2006 smiply because
1. Has a small footprint – uses less resources
2. Has an extremely easy interface – even granddaddy can operate this
3. Discovers the most viruses and spyware of them all!
4. The price is right
The only thing that I can put on it is that the firewall don’t give you enough configuration for pro users, but then again – if you’re a pro you’ll use a separated firewall anyway.
Don’t underestimate the security on your computer – get it now!
1. Has a small footprint – uses less resources
2. Has an extremely easy interface – even granddaddy can operate this
3. Discovers the most viruses and spyware of them all!
4. The price is right
The only thing that I can put on it is that the firewall don’t give you enough configuration for pro users, but then again – if you’re a pro you’ll use a separated firewall anyway.
Don’t underestimate the security on your computer – get it now!
Taxi (film)
Luc Besson made something of a classic making Taxi. Even though there is a few glitches here and there and picture quality is a bit low it doesn’t really matter. The music oozes speed and comedy all over. In fact this is what you call a buddy movie, where two guys who doesn’t really like each other becomes “partners” and solves the crime – then becomes good friends.
But more than that it has great acting, great humor, great speed, and of all good rhythm all over the place. You simply sit down for the ride and enjoy – and so should you!
But more than that it has great acting, great humor, great speed, and of all good rhythm all over the place. You simply sit down for the ride and enjoy – and so should you!
Heat (film)
As many movies: things are business as usual until the start of the movie, when they hire a new guy in the team and he of course doesn’t fit in and things start to go wrong.
When I saw Heat for the first time I didn’t like it too much. It was ok, but too long. Seeing it again I see that a lot has happened in 10 years and nowadays you seldom see movies with this kind of acting anymore. Heat is a big movie – and Michael Mann uses every trick from his series to unwind a complex set of people, the people behind the people and theirs sad problems in life. But he never cares to finish up more than the main story – leaving a bad taste in the mouth. We have to invent the rest ourselves.
Michael Mann plays constantly on our feelings, there is no dialogue or scene without atmospheric music telling us what we are going to feel. And of course it works out well. Unfortunately Michael Mann’s direction fails short to make this movie a masterpiece .
Indeed even if this movie is longish and the original theatre release should have been cut down shorter: If there is extra material available they should make an extended cut as well. Just to fill in even more.
Robert de Niro being the bad guy and Al Pacino being the god guy or maybe vice versa – or probably they are both just smart guys doing what they like the best?? but rpobably just what they know the best.
The highlight of the movie is in fact when they meet the first time in the coffee bar.
Heat, even if it is a no-brainer is definitely worth a watch and a good break from special effects movies from today.
In the end of the movie the reason everything went wrong is moved - but buisness will never be usual anymore.
When I saw Heat for the first time I didn’t like it too much. It was ok, but too long. Seeing it again I see that a lot has happened in 10 years and nowadays you seldom see movies with this kind of acting anymore. Heat is a big movie – and Michael Mann uses every trick from his series to unwind a complex set of people, the people behind the people and theirs sad problems in life. But he never cares to finish up more than the main story – leaving a bad taste in the mouth. We have to invent the rest ourselves.
Michael Mann plays constantly on our feelings, there is no dialogue or scene without atmospheric music telling us what we are going to feel. And of course it works out well. Unfortunately Michael Mann’s direction fails short to make this movie a masterpiece .
Indeed even if this movie is longish and the original theatre release should have been cut down shorter: If there is extra material available they should make an extended cut as well. Just to fill in even more.
Robert de Niro being the bad guy and Al Pacino being the god guy or maybe vice versa – or probably they are both just smart guys doing what they like the best?? but rpobably just what they know the best.
The highlight of the movie is in fact when they meet the first time in the coffee bar.
Heat, even if it is a no-brainer is definitely worth a watch and a good break from special effects movies from today.
In the end of the movie the reason everything went wrong is moved - but buisness will never be usual anymore.
onsdag, desember 14, 2005
History of Bestiality
I try to keep up with reading a little, every now and then. I do both like nonsense entertainment as well as truly masterpieces. I am now about to re-read Jens Bjoerneboe’s trilogy: The History of Bestiality which is indeed a masterpiece and something everybody should read. But beware: It’s not for the faint hearted.
Gonna be some good times!
Gonna be some good times!
Almost like magic
Last year I took four weeks of in Gran Canaria and during that time I wrote a book: Almost like magic (in Norwegian of course). It still have left to do second correction of it but still a few selected friends have been allowed to read the draft – for input. What will become of it later and if I will put it out on my homepage – I do not know yet. At the moment I plan it to be the first in a trilogy – but I don’t know when the next time will be when I have time to sit down for 4 weeks. So it can be a long time.
The book interconnects several individual stories all of different generes and places. And I constantly try to push myself and the reader to the edge. You will meet persons you will like as well as persons you will totally dislike. It will make you think and wonder. Keep and eye out for it. For the old stuff I wrote there is still 2-3 finished stories that needs re-typing. But really – I never know when I will be bothered. The nest of these stories really deserves it though as its about a engaged couple finds out through strange discoveries that maybe they don’t really belong together anyway.
The book interconnects several individual stories all of different generes and places. And I constantly try to push myself and the reader to the edge. You will meet persons you will like as well as persons you will totally dislike. It will make you think and wonder. Keep and eye out for it. For the old stuff I wrote there is still 2-3 finished stories that needs re-typing. But really – I never know when I will be bothered. The nest of these stories really deserves it though as its about a engaged couple finds out through strange discoveries that maybe they don’t really belong together anyway.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Unlike a lot of people I think this movie is sheer crap. It takes the masterpiece of a book of Roald Dahl and turns it into a special effects nightmare. Sometimes I like what comes out of Tim Burtons hand – sometimes its more mediocre – but rarely crap like this. How you can turn a great children’s tale into a totally uninspiring story is beyond me. If Roald Dahl was still alive he would have hated this movie even more than the 1971 version. Stay away folks. Stay away!
Abre los ojos – Open your eyes (film)
I have a problem understanding what this movie tries to tell. It starts up creepy (in fact it keeps the thrill most of the time except the middle part) and you know something is wrong already in early beginning. We meet this playboy that never sleeps with a girl twice. That gets any girl fro his looks and money. He wakes up from his first mistake – second time with a girl. And then of course it’s all bound to go all crazy. In his escape from this girls he steals his best friend girl without to much interference. Yes it’s Penélope Cruz – and yes he falls in love with her – probably the first time he ever did. And she (of course) likes him as well. Then it all goes more wrong. The playboy ends up in an accident. And he is suddenly Mr. ugly guy - and nobody wants him, except his best friend. Mr. Ugly is madly in love and tries to get Penélope without (??) much success.
The movie has a thrilling cut and it is sometimes a love story, sometimes science fiction, sometimes a thriller, sometimes a criminal story and most of the time you don’t really know what is going on. Hence Abre los ojos – open your mind. Now don’t get me wrong – the movie is quite good. I just don’t get it – what it tries to say? Is it a moral story that money and looks can get you anything but love? Or can money get you anything?
The movie has a thrilling cut and it is sometimes a love story, sometimes science fiction, sometimes a thriller, sometimes a criminal story and most of the time you don’t really know what is going on. Hence Abre los ojos – open your mind. Now don’t get me wrong – the movie is quite good. I just don’t get it – what it tries to say? Is it a moral story that money and looks can get you anything but love? Or can money get you anything?
mandag, desember 12, 2005
Valentourettes og Raga – en hard helg (norwegian)
Det er ikke hver helg man har sjangsen til å sope over halvparten av de fire store innen norsk – Rock! Jokke har alltid vært stor, men alrdi større enn nå. På konserten på Rockefeller var det vill ekstase og publikum var helt med på samtlige sanger og sang ofte høyere enn bandet. Valentourettes bare utvikler stilen sin og blir bedre og bedre. De spiller old skool Jokke, actionfylt og raskt som Jokke gjorde det tidlig i sin karriære. Det låter røft, rått og bra. Og man oppdager stadig nye Jokke sanger!
Dagen etterpå var det Raga sin tur til å avslutte sin reunionsturne. Det var fet lyd og stort oppmøte i gamlebyen. Dog var trengselen litt for stor og vannskelig å få seg en god plass. De gode gamle slagerne kom på løpende bånd som vanlig er! Men på langt nær samme stemningen som med Valentourettes.
Av grunner som virker smarte der og da ga dette grunnlaget til en meget hard og våt helg. Med vorspiel og nachspiel til alle døgnets tider. Søndagen ble bare møl.
Dagen etterpå var det Raga sin tur til å avslutte sin reunionsturne. Det var fet lyd og stort oppmøte i gamlebyen. Dog var trengselen litt for stor og vannskelig å få seg en god plass. De gode gamle slagerne kom på løpende bånd som vanlig er! Men på langt nær samme stemningen som med Valentourettes.
Av grunner som virker smarte der og da ga dette grunnlaget til en meget hard og våt helg. Med vorspiel og nachspiel til alle døgnets tider. Søndagen ble bare møl.
Dragonfly (film)
It’s a movie that is about love that is so strong it crosses the boundaries of death. In fact a cute little story. One of those movies guys can bring girls with them to soften them up a little. It’s about the “perfect” couple that dedicates their life to help others. She is going far away to help and dies in an accident. He refuses to grieve.
There are many elements that show that even they had a good relationship, it had its borders. She is able to cross the boundaries of death to send him signs. However he doesn’t know if he should believe or not. A lot of the story revolve around him telling his friends about these happenings and being met mostly with doubt.
A key to it all is that he himself holds loads of doubt and that’s why he is himself not able to contact her back. In the end he finds himself pretty close to where he was in desperate search for the truth.
When this is said the script is somewhat unmotivated and most of the story is sort of A-something slightly paranormal happens B-it gets denied and A again. It can be a little dull and uninspiring at times. Dialogue is often repetitious and its like the movie needs to meet its length but we have nothing more to say. I still do recommend you to see this one as if you give it a little time and look through the weaknesses – it’s a story that tells about the treasure at the end of the Rainbow.
There are many elements that show that even they had a good relationship, it had its borders. She is able to cross the boundaries of death to send him signs. However he doesn’t know if he should believe or not. A lot of the story revolve around him telling his friends about these happenings and being met mostly with doubt.
A key to it all is that he himself holds loads of doubt and that’s why he is himself not able to contact her back. In the end he finds himself pretty close to where he was in desperate search for the truth.
When this is said the script is somewhat unmotivated and most of the story is sort of A-something slightly paranormal happens B-it gets denied and A again. It can be a little dull and uninspiring at times. Dialogue is often repetitious and its like the movie needs to meet its length but we have nothing more to say. I still do recommend you to see this one as if you give it a little time and look through the weaknesses – it’s a story that tells about the treasure at the end of the Rainbow.
tirsdag, desember 06, 2005
Red Dragon (film)
Some years ago I watched the movie Manhunter, which is based on the same book. Not a bad film in any way but a bit in the B class. As I had to look up certain things in the original book I found out that vital parts of the book was left out in the scripts. In the remake Red Dragon most of those script omissions had luckily had made it to the screenplay and it drives the story much better. Within the frames of the story it’s impossible to make a Silence of the Lambs. But it does try and all in all the result is pretty decent. One weakness I would point my finger on is the scene when the murder thinks his blind girlfriend is more interested in his rival – that scene is superior in the first movie Manhunter. I recommend this one to all that like a thrill or detective stuff
Quake 4 (PC game)
Quake 4 tries to pick up from Quake 2 – built up on an enhanced Doom 3 engine (I can play Doom 3 on UH but not Quake 4) the eve dropping should be ok. However as we all know hl2 and now even with HDRL is much more beautiful. The game tries to recreate some of the game play from Quake 2. In those days I did spend quite a time with Quake 2 and I can say so. Even if the gfx seems like it – it doesn’t feel like it. Sorry Raven and ID there has been things happening in between – even your very own RTCW and Quake 4 is like entering a world that has been standing still – it feels more like Doom 3 without the scare. Still it’s ID – and ID is God – it deserves a play.
To SLI or not to SLI
Today again SLI is a big thing; however in 1998 when I bought my first PC we already had SLI brought out from 3dfx. Then as now SLI would have you by more cards and spend even more money on gfx. The beauty today however is the possibility to SLI on one card. Still the price is high and only for the hard-hardcore gamer, but why bother when Xbox 360, PS 3 boosts equal gfx for less money?? I would rather wait and maybe you can upgrade to SLI tomorrow when your current gfx card gets to old. Then again; maybe not.
In the news I see that in Norway its increasing popularity to believe that Holocaust never happened. Seems to me that the slogan”never again” means not much more than fifty years. To all of you: Its not cool to think that it never happened and its not cool to hang around other people that thinks so – take a trip to Auswitch and see for yourself before making up your mind – even so many years after it will still change your mind.
Fahrenheit aka Indigo Prophecy (game)
It was back in the C64 days – that I made acquaintance with the strange but great classic Zak Mc Kraken – It was the start of a long and good relationship to adventure gaming. Later year’s people have complained about the lack of adventure games. But I don’t really find such a lack since adventure you find great games with adventure elements shipping all the time (ex KOTOR and Beyond Good & Evil) – what I do miss is the crazy humor from Lucasarts! Fahrenheit puts you into an interactive movie – with immense atmosphere and great scripted action. The unique blend of music, camera angels and noir all fits so well your hooked from the beginning. Anyone remember Lucasarts flawed iMuse system? When it comes to action sequences it makes right what several games (read: pirates! 2005 remake and Larry Magna Cum Laude) it all seems so easy and still so effective you wonder how the other games made it wrong. The gfx is not hl2 but still impressive – and we are sometimes presented with a few ”Tempting???” nudity scenes – making the day for 13 year old nerds.
You play both the murder and the police. You are both the hunter and the hunted. The story unfolds a dark mystery of paranormal character. I’m not gonna say more now. This is in fact a game you should play whether you like adventures or not as its more like an interactive movie and I bet you – this is something you have been waiting for.
You play both the murder and the police. You are both the hunter and the hunted. The story unfolds a dark mystery of paranormal character. I’m not gonna say more now. This is in fact a game you should play whether you like adventures or not as its more like an interactive movie and I bet you – this is something you have been waiting for.
søndag, desember 04, 2005
Going to Kristiansand
Well I am off for a week to Kristiansand to learn more stuff of course. I'm looking forward to a week of the south of Norway even if its winter time. And maybe I can use some of my evenings to catch on with my Spanish? Or maybe I'll just waste them in pints of beer....
Civilization IV (PC Game)
I wasn’t to thrilled by trying out this game as I had played the flawed Civ 3 and thought for myself that the franchise was lost. I was wrong. On all the fields where Civ 3 tried to invent itself but failed – Civ 4 does it all right again – great 3d graphics (not needed for this kind of game) – ok background music – but most important of all – the just one more turn (just like just one more beer) is back and as soon as you start you’ll be stuck with it all night long. Back draw is gfx engine is full of bugs and the game tends to crash and crash – and this is really not needed for a game like this. Bugger!
Constantine (film)
It starts of pretty promising. An prefect anti-hero. Smoking his lungs to death and as that wasn’t enough he is doomed to go to hell – even if he dedicates his time to the dirty work for heaven – sending demons back to where they came from. But unfortunately things get desperate and too fantastic and the movie halts away on a strange paste with special effects and paranormal happenings. Some parts of the story is great and Ill guess its from the comics itself – but it all fails short and I urge you to avoid this one – except maybe the 15 first minutes.
lørdag, desember 03, 2005
The Myth (film)
It's obvious that this movie has a grand budget. And there is always emphasis on making beautiful scenes that hold up to the great epic movies. Its also mixed up with Jackie Chan’s usual action packed scenes – where again they have managed to show something new, unique and breathtaking. Since Jackie is getting old he is trying to get more into acting and less action. Of course Jackie is a lousy actor and his usual slap stick humor sticks out everywhere and I guess the screenplay is adapted to compensate for it. There is also a beautiful love story in there – unfortunately the full potential is not played out. All in all it’s a great movie – trying to get up there with the big epic movies with a dash of India Jones. Definitely worth a look.
torsdag, desember 01, 2005
High above Oslo

The other day I did my virgin trip in a small Cessna. We where flying high above Oslo -The weather was gorgeous. I was impressed by how light the plane was, I didn’t even feel the lift-off at all. Also the plane was impressively light and steady to maneuver – yes there was almost no wind so no real danger. Definitely a nice trip and for a brief moment of time I understood why people would die to become pilots. Baron’s of the air. Flying aces. But as with all other things – plain ol’ life on the ground gets back to ya – and so the trip fades away as a mere memory.
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